
Why? my blog title "Better2me"

As a woman, mother, and wife my first instinct is to take care of those around me. I nurture those I love in many ways through out the day, but sometimes find myself neglecting me. Recently I realized that I need to nurture myself as well. So this blog is about ME!!!!! What fills my heart; my simple life of kids, husband, animals, home, and creativity. For being better2me leads me to be better to those I love.

Thursday, January 7, 2021


When someone becomes a martyr, their power in death is far greater than their power in life. So it is with Donald J. Trump, who will become more powerful as president whose election was stolen from him, then if he had remained president. 

Yesterday was the day 70 plus million people have been waiting for, after months of deception and corruption marring this election,(even a Supreme Court judge was found comprised and being blackmailed to vote democrat, and yet still kept his seat) we hoped for some to stand up and fight. Few members of the political arena did, and after a fraudulent attack, by antifa and blamed on Trump supporters, many caved. For the 2 million in the streets of DC and the many millions more watching, this became the last straw. Today, cries of Jan 6, 2021, being the new 1776, are heard across the land. 

 Many are brainwashed with the main street media (msm), whose lies and misinformation is forced down their throats, while others seek out the truth through deep digging, trying at all costs to avoid the hand of censorship that comes from the msm. It is those Americans that are trying, against all odds, to put back our title of the freeist and best nation in the world. Right now other countries either look at us and laugh, or hang their heads in sadness. 

Today, I am jealous of those who are comfortable in this new era of corruption coming to light, and false news, for my heart hangs heavy and sad in the idea that we may never be able to drain the swamp and break this cycle of corruption. I worry because it is my children and grandchildren who will suffer most.

 However, I see a glimpse of light, those hearts who I spoke about, those committed to drudging up the rotten and poisonious muck, that is the democrat and some of the republican party. Those who do refuse to lie down, but instead, like those before us, rise for the fight. Do we start a Patriot Party, do we boycott, please those smarter than I, tell us how our forefathers did it(without violence), and how can we do it? We are not defeated!!! But we must plan and then set that plan in motion.

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about me

Alta Loma, California, United States
I am a newly, 3 years, transplanted California, who has found her heart in Northern Idaho. Married to my better half, Kevin, for 34 years, we live on ten acres with a pond, a barn with 23 antique John Deer tractors, 18 chickens and four labs (3 fox red, 1 chocolate) My hubby took an early out from United during this Covid situation, but still works full time as a flight examiner, we are learning how to empty nest to its fullest. Only thing that would make life better is if our children and daughter in law lived closer.