
Why? my blog title "Better2me"

As a woman, mother, and wife my first instinct is to take care of those around me. I nurture those I love in many ways through out the day, but sometimes find myself neglecting me. Recently I realized that I need to nurture myself as well. So this blog is about ME!!!!! What fills my heart; my simple life of kids, husband, animals, home, and creativity. For being better2me leads me to be better to those I love.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

America Becomes a Communist Country Today

Today my heart is heavy, all hope is lost.  No white knight, or knights, to save us. Even with proof, so strong it screams deception, and coverups badly done, they have won.  

Within this election we saw overwhelming proof of fraud, servers that sent information overseas to be changed and counted.  Video of counters pulling bags of ballots out of hiding places after GOP observers where sent home, ballots that were counted over and over.  Big jumps in the middle of the night that were statically impossible, 100% for Biden, 0 for Trump.  Counties that had more votes than people who were registered to vote.  The exact number of votes needed, coming after the voting booths closed,  to put Biden ahead.

The people knew the cheating was real and were waiting for the courts to handle it.  Instead we saw the corruption continued in them.  Supreme Court of Georgia, said no merit, as did many of the small courts that didn't want to be the ones to change the fraudulent outcome.  OK, we said, the Supreme Court is our truth, we will see it happen there.  Then we found that even Supreme Court Judges have things to hide, they too are blackmailed and have sold their soul to the devil.  

Still we did not lose hope!  Our president will find a way, he is the best business man we know, he has done amazing things for our country in the last four years despite having most of the corrupt government, media and communist countries against him.  He will save our country, just like he has for the first time exposed all the lies of those above to us, so that we finally see what has been going on. The corruption that extended to our CIA and FBI, with only the military behind him.  But even though the burden of exposure was easy, the power of the corrupt was greater, we saw those we thought were allies, speak against him, the swamp water became even clearer, but much more deep and harder to drain. 

But we still had hope.  So many officials of states in question were recognizing the discrepancies and were willing to retract their electors.   Again, we waited for the counting of the electoral college votes in congress, where many would stand in protest.  But while millions of Trump supporters flooded the streets, those corrupt, organized a break in at the capital,  planned at just the right moment to put an end to any discussion.  The press labeled it Trumps fault, even though BLM and ANTIFA were arrested.  

Up to that point the censorship, which once was merely annoying, now became complete, Media outlets banned Trump from their platforms, along with all of his supporters and any conservative platforms as well.  Only one side was heard....communism begun as freedom of speech was not allowed.

Today, 79 million Americans, who voted for Trump, (compared to Bidens 68 million) stand in silence, as American gains a corrupt puppet for a leader.  Already cries for impeachment come from those politicians who are not corrupt, due to Biden's quid pro quo with the Ukraine, which has already convicted him.  But with the three houses of government controlled by the dems (Georgias run off election had the same exact discrepancies as the presidential election), if it ever happens, it will only be to place the first woman as their president, someone who is just as corrupt.

In years past, we thought we had free elections as the pendulum swung from Republican to democrat and back again.  But now we know that it was the same corrupt government, simple switching who was seen in the limelight.  Nothing was ever accomplished and they just got greedier.  The first, and probably the last now, free election was in 2016 when they didn't expect Trump to win and so didn't try to cheat.  Now that the corruption is exposed we know we are being played, yet have no power to change it.  How do we fight, without violence (that is the lefts tool) to correct this..... we can't.  

Hopefully Trumps legacy of no wars, putting America first, peace agreements, best president for Americans of all colors, greatest economy of all time, will endure.  Although, many of these Biden says he will start eliminating on day one. But for many of us, we feel the game is over.  We see clearly now, but are handcuffed and gagged.  

Even worse than my anger over this anti-American coverup is the loss of hope I see in those from other countries.  Those whose countries who have not had the same freedom we have had, have watched with hope that we would remain an example.  I have seen protests that support Trump as far away as Korea, and a person from Canada in tears with gratitude for those of us fighting to remain the freest country in the world.  Their hope along with ours is lost.  

My last hope lies with Trump, that things have been put in place to bring those in our government to justice, but I have had hope through all of this and now realize it has been in vain, so it is hard to be optimistic.  The only thing I can say for sure today is the Joe Biden is NOT my president and know for sure I am right.

p.s. as soon as he got in office he started signing executive orders that raise the taxes of all Americans and bring us less industry, and this is day one.   

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about me

Alta Loma, California, United States
I am a newly, 3 years, transplanted California, who has found her heart in Northern Idaho. Married to my better half, Kevin, for 34 years, we live on ten acres with a pond, a barn with 23 antique John Deer tractors, 18 chickens and four labs (3 fox red, 1 chocolate) My hubby took an early out from United during this Covid situation, but still works full time as a flight examiner, we are learning how to empty nest to its fullest. Only thing that would make life better is if our children and daughter in law lived closer.