
Why? my blog title "Better2me"

As a woman, mother, and wife my first instinct is to take care of those around me. I nurture those I love in many ways through out the day, but sometimes find myself neglecting me. Recently I realized that I need to nurture myself as well. So this blog is about ME!!!!! What fills my heart; my simple life of kids, husband, animals, home, and creativity. For being better2me leads me to be better to those I love.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Saddened by Hate

I am saddened by the hate I see throughout the country, but not enough to give in to the demands of the other side. They have been spewing hate and division for the last four years, undermining all the good that was going on and putting road blocks to things that would have given so much to the US. 

Today, I found MeWe has many of the same groups that I frequent on FB, I was overjoyed and stated on a FB craft page that those wanting to avoid the censorship of FB, could join me. Many people thanked me for the information, but many were full of hate, intense, that I had to delete the post. People are outraged over the crossing of the capital, one person I know stated "If BLM had done this...", what he fails to remember is for six months cities such as Portland and Seattle, were held hostage as BLM and Antifa destroyed them, businesses, people had worked hard for destroyed, people murdered, old people robbed of their food and lodging, yet none of the democrat leaders would even send the police, calling it a "peaceful protest".(also now several BLM members have been arrested for inciting riots in the capital showing it was once again the democrats) Not long ago, someone I know stated that the reason these BLM and Antifa protestors were so violents was that they had not been heard for so long, that they exploded, hmmmm I see the comparison now for the same is true of the right. Another asked for birthdaymoney to go to these groups to help bail out protestors arrested for violent rioting and destruction, stating that they had been unfairly arrested. Another long time friend, a teacher, berated me for my views and my platform of hate???? Yet saw nothing wrong with the censorship, presidential hatred, or rioting. This morning I was shocked to see a teacher post on her page a monoloque by Jimmy Fallon, a nighttime host and comedian, regarding the "riot" at the White House and condeming all Republican Americans...She stated, and was backed up by several other teachers who responded, that they had a lot to teach their students in their high school history class, and we wonder why our schools are so disfunctional.

 So I am sorry to liberals who call for unity now that they are in control, but they have created this atmosphere and we Americans have learned from their mistreatment of us and of our American values, unity will not be forthcoming.

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about me

Alta Loma, California, United States
I am a newly, 3 years, transplanted California, who has found her heart in Northern Idaho. Married to my better half, Kevin, for 34 years, we live on ten acres with a pond, a barn with 23 antique John Deer tractors, 18 chickens and four labs (3 fox red, 1 chocolate) My hubby took an early out from United during this Covid situation, but still works full time as a flight examiner, we are learning how to empty nest to its fullest. Only thing that would make life better is if our children and daughter in law lived closer.