
Why? my blog title "Better2me"

As a woman, mother, and wife my first instinct is to take care of those around me. I nurture those I love in many ways through out the day, but sometimes find myself neglecting me. Recently I realized that I need to nurture myself as well. So this blog is about ME!!!!! What fills my heart; my simple life of kids, husband, animals, home, and creativity. For being better2me leads me to be better to those I love.

Monday, January 18, 2021

The Woman Who Called Censorship

One of the fundamental rights of all American citizens is the right to free speech, however, there are those who are stifling that right saying they are protecting others from hate and violence.  But are they?

Obama when president signed an Executive Order 230 stating that entities such as FB, Twitter, Etc cannot be sued for libel regarding what they publish.  These Big Tech Businesses have used this exemption to their own benefits by censoring everything that does not fit their agenda.  I have cried censorship for months now, and am treated like the boy who cried wolf, my cries falling on deaf ears. Attorneys fighting for an honest election tried to get information out to the public of the depth of the corruption, yet were silenced by the media.  A young woman from Germany attacked me for joining Parler as it is a right wing conservative platform, (which Apple has now eliminated from their server blocking the users voices), but had no problem with the idea of using FB, even though it is a very left wing liberal platform.  (At least the first does not block anyone, left or right, from using it. ) President Trump seeing the silencing of many American voices, tried to get the congress and senate to nullify this unfair act, but they did not.  Now what we see and hear is the lefts voices screaming in our ears, and the right gagged from the ability to speak.  Thousands, including President Trump, have been banned for life from these platforms citing violent speech.  What many of us call freedom of speech is gone.  

Some examples:

Amazon banned Parler as hate speech, but promotes and sells shirts that state "KILL ALL REPUBLICANS."

Trump twitted, "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful.  No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law and Order- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue.  Thank you!"  Twitter Safety responded "Further violations of the Twitter Rules, including our Civic integrity or Violent Threats policies, will result in permanent suspension of the @RealDonaldTrump account,"  They then preceded to delete him.  

From Rep Doug Collings, 

Don't be fooled.

Big Tech isn't shutting down accounts due to "risk".

They are trying to control what you READ.

What you THINK.

What you BELIEVE.

They're after on thing: control.

Because control means power.

Don't let them win.

The sad thing is so many do just what he states.  They listen to MSM without researching, because they believe they are right and they know it.  They are oblivious to what is going on and how their right to free speech has been slowly eroding.  They do not agree with the speech of those that is being silenced, so it is ok to them.  What they do not realize is those who silence us, will soon be silencing them.  

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about me

Alta Loma, California, United States
I am a newly, 3 years, transplanted California, who has found her heart in Northern Idaho. Married to my better half, Kevin, for 34 years, we live on ten acres with a pond, a barn with 23 antique John Deer tractors, 18 chickens and four labs (3 fox red, 1 chocolate) My hubby took an early out from United during this Covid situation, but still works full time as a flight examiner, we are learning how to empty nest to its fullest. Only thing that would make life better is if our children and daughter in law lived closer.