
Why? my blog title "Better2me"

As a woman, mother, and wife my first instinct is to take care of those around me. I nurture those I love in many ways through out the day, but sometimes find myself neglecting me. Recently I realized that I need to nurture myself as well. So this blog is about ME!!!!! What fills my heart; my simple life of kids, husband, animals, home, and creativity. For being better2me leads me to be better to those I love.

Friday, January 28, 2022

A One Party System

Recently, a girlfriend posted a picture of members of both parties laughing together.  To her it represented a recent past that she missed, what she didn’t understand is that to many of us it represents not two parties getting along, but one party, the political party that serves itself and not the American public.  

Researching into people such as Jovan Pulitzer, an amazing intellect and statistician, it can be seen that for the last 35 years we have been a one party system.  I can recall my father stating after an outsider, Ronald Reagan, left office that “‘They’ will never let that happen again”.  I didn’t understand what he meant, until we were Trump’d.  

Power is with those who control the information.  We see it in countries such as China, North Korea, etc, but we never thought our free America would be impacted.  California is a micro-climate of what is seen in the nation.  Their freedom is removed, they have huge inflation, the highest taxes (with the rich given exceptions, and the middle class paying for all), yet they have one of the worse school systems in the nation, and their cost of living is high, while they joy of living is low. Yet, their leaders, and media which is owned by the same,  press their points using fear and misinformation.  And most don’t bother to fact check and instead just accept their fate, and they continue to re-elect this same officials.

The saddest part for me is that our country use to be one of the most free in the world, but now we are not much different than the monarchy our forefathers fought so hard to eliminate.  We chose Trump, not because we are pro Trump, but because we are pro freedom for America.   

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about me

Alta Loma, California, United States
I am a newly, 3 years, transplanted California, who has found her heart in Northern Idaho. Married to my better half, Kevin, for 34 years, we live on ten acres with a pond, a barn with 23 antique John Deer tractors, 18 chickens and four labs (3 fox red, 1 chocolate) My hubby took an early out from United during this Covid situation, but still works full time as a flight examiner, we are learning how to empty nest to its fullest. Only thing that would make life better is if our children and daughter in law lived closer.